In Record Time.

    by seamoon1


    1. My idea to combat this: Tax people and corporations that own multiple homes. The more and more homes they own, the higher and higher their real estate tax should be, to the point it’s not worth holding and renting homes. Maybe the taxes starts going up after purchasing a third home.

    2. Legal_Cattle3349 on

      The limit should be zero for corporations when it comes to single family homes. And for individual, there should be limit of 2-3. Multifamily homes are fair game and there are plenty of them out there.

    3. iLikeMangosteens on

      This is rubbish. High prices of homes are caused by an imbalance of supply and demand. When there is high demand and little supply, investors (individuals and corporations) will exploit that by buying up the supply and renting it to people who don’t have the ability to buy.

      The solution is to build more homes. When there’s enough housing to meet the demand for housing, then prices will fall and there’s no further incentive for an investor to purchase investment property.

      If there’s a villain in this story, it’s NIMBYs who oppose construction and densification, the city leadership they elect to deter construction, and the people who vote against capital infrastructure bonds.

    4. In the Netherlands they let people move into uninhabited houses. It seems this immediately solves the problem but deeply offends half of the population.

    5. Everyone likes to complain about HOAs (and I agree about the petty bullshit) but we were able to vote to not allow corporations to buy and rent homes in our neighborhood. An example of good NIMBY for once.

    6. Pitiful-Ad-4170 on

      This is a major problem for America. Why should anyone own , flip , rent 500 houses. Not apartments. Houses. Wondering why the market is so high. Bezos , Back rock, as just to name a few…

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