Sorry. Also, not sorry

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Brett Favre was a damn national treasure and turned in to be a complete asshole, then Aaron Rodgers said “hold my beer!”

      I don’t know what the hell is in the water up in Green Bay aside from lead, mercury, arsenic, and ddt, but it appears to turn talented QB’s into sociopaths.

    2. Seriously, who gives a fuck. What does this have to do with him being a piece of shit?

      I’m sick so it made me an asshole? Guess he was born with it.

    3. Excellent_Exit9716 on

      Parkinsons is the devil! My father had it and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I know Brett is the scum of the earth, but this is sad news.

    4. WastedKnowledge on

      This should be the only take. These people escape accountability by taking advantage of people’s sympathy.

    5. If anyone should be ashamed to slip a sympathy card for a neurological disorder out of his sleeve it’s Bret Farve. He knew how many hits he was taking. He knew the sort of fame they did. He had a metric fucton of money when the Packers showed him the door. He didn’t need to work and when he had deteriorated to the point he couldn’t work at being a football mercenary anymore he didn’t need to steal.

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