Ever notice how the “kAmALa hAs nO cHiLdReN” critique only gets applied to her?

    by Squirrel_Chucks


    1. She’s a woman who seeks power. Any and every reason to deny her access is a valid reason to deny her access.

      More salient examples would be Governor Kay Ivey, Senator Susan Collins and Laura Ingraham (mother through adopted Russian children) and Ann Coulter.

    2. It’s because A) They don’t really care, they just need talking points because B) They don’t have many effective talking points against Harris.

      If things were really as bad as Trump and Vance keep claiming them to be, they wouldn’t need to make up stories about things like immigration to gaslight their voters. They could, you know, just point out objective issues. But they can’t, because most real issues are nuanced and beyond their ability to message to their base. So we get immigrants eating cats, students getting spontaneous gender surgery in middle school prisons, and women without biological children can’t be leaders. Real hard hitting stuff that should totally be a deciding factor (sarcasm) in who you think would be a better fit for the most powerful position in the world.

    3. What are you talking about? Gaetz is always around children. He’s the perfect Republican representative…

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