[OC] The network map of the One Piece Anime.

    by gamarala_in_distress


    1. gamarala_in_distress on

      The is the first data visualization project of mine, based on character network mapping using NLP. Data about the characters were collected from the [One Piece Wiki](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/One_Piece_Wiki) and the anime content was scrapped from the [One Piece: The Book](https://claystage.com/one-piece-the-book). This network graph consists only about the characters from episode 1 to the Wano Country Arc. Spacy was used to extract the character entities via NLP and networkx was used to generate the graph. As the final step the networkx graph was exported to .gexf format and imported to gephi to perform further modifications. (gephi layout : Fruchterman-Reingold)

      [high resolution image](https://imgur.com/vsgHqW0)

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