“Wait, that wasn’t the same movie?”

    by ZealousidealChain473


    1. logicalconflict on

      Honestly, this is most actors. It’s harder to find an actor that doesn’t fall into this category.

    2. Large-Wheel-4181 on

      Ryan has more versatility than the others as he does do serious work at times, nobody really goes sees them cause they like his funny persona more

    3. I’ll give The Rock ONE movie. Southland Tales. Very under the radar but be did actually act in that. Oh and Pain and Gain.

    4. It’s still valid. Humphrey Bogart always played the same character too. The way we define acting and expectations regarding range has changed over time.

    5. That’s how movie stars used to be.

      You didn’t go to watch “Gun shooters 3” you went to see the “Tom Person” movie, or maybe the new “movie Jill Human” directed.

      Massive franchises weren’t a thing until, like, the 90’s

    6. I mean if I watch the tooth fairy or the pacifier, it’s for sure a bit different of a jive than normal haha

    7. Ryan Reynolds being the same dude in every movie is fine by me, though. Goofy guys are cool. Everyone else just comes across as a try hard.

    8. Significant_Rule6003 on

      Ryan Reynolds “Buried” was the only one I can remember where he was actually serious. But if you good at a particular persona. Then I don’t mind most characters he plays being like that.

    9. Ryan Reynolds was in some non-comedy bangers back in the mid-2010’s

      I would remove him from this list personally

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