This is called Chicagohenge. It’s a phenomenon that happens twice a year at the equinox. Chicago’s streets are a perfect grid so when the sun rises and set directly in the east and west, it rises and sets between Chicago’s skyscrapers. Enjoy this image I took of it

    by shimmycphoto


    1. Today, the 24th, is when the sun sets directly west at my latitude…

      And it’s going to rain all day. 😭

    2. For those that ask, here is a direct link to the product page of this image [](

      Camera and Settings are Sony a7riii with Sigma 100-400 at 1/500 sec at f/9, ISO 100

    3. 100,000 years from now future people will wonder how such a primitive society was able to align stones with the sun

    4. IntermediateState32 on

      It happens in a lot of USA cities as many of them align their Main Street or the equivalent on the East West line. KC, NY, and so many more. Twice a year.

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