Philadelphia last night. Impressive turnout for donnie the clown

    by twoton1


    1. The_Alrighty_Zed on

      Oh so many millions of people…
      And if it isn’t obvious that I’m being sarcastic, your head is emptier than this building.

    2. Harris & Walz: *Has so many people show up they have lines out the door*

      The media: Whatever

      Trump: *can barely fill a room anymore*

      The media: He is inevitable!

    3. looks to be about 12.9 million people there…..

      or maybe one hundred and fifty….

      but probably 18 million.

    4. How many women will need him to stop speaking so medical professionals can do their job? What a fake.

    5. bigmancertified on

      I so desperately want to feel hopeful when I see pictures like this.

      But I live in Kansas. I went to Walmart a few days ago and saw a mother younger than me wearing a Trump shirt that said “MISSED ME BITCH!”

      Don’t get excited, don’t get complacent. Get ready to vote, and tell every sane person you know to do the same.

    6. It looks like they put most of the people who attended behind him so the cameras would see them and it would look larger than it was.

    7. Just because it was a low turnout does not mean those people who consider themselves MAGA won’t vote.

      They believe all his lies, but since they’ve heard it all before, they figure there’s no reason to hear it again.

    8. It doesn’t matter if they turn out for his shows, it matters if they turn out to vote.

      Don’t get complacent. American democracy depends on your vote.


    9. prpslydistracted on

      See, this is what confuses me. Pollsters have perfected their models. They carefully word their questions by sex, region/state, party/independent, likely voters or not, what issue is important to them, education level … on and on.

      And *still* it is too close; there should be a Grand Canyon gap in support between rallies and polls. But there isn’t … except what we see at rallies. Is the GOP still paying people? Is it even worse than what we see?

      Maybe people are intentionally playing the system? They’re definitely going to vote Harris/Walz but say they’re going to vote Trump/Vance?

      The group that truly stuns are the “undecided.” Seriously?

    10. Lightning_Strike_7 on

      i don’t see the orange clown on the podium. let’s be honest about this. how long before it started was this picture taken?

    11. I like how the campaign strategically positions the few dozen supporters so it will seem like a crowd to the one or two camera angles.

      It is so pathetic…

    12. AdminsAreRegards on

      Can we stop with these. He’s not on the stage so this is before or after he left?

      And how long before or after.

      Its misleading and childish

      Let’s not get to their level

    13. -Invalid_Selection- on

      There were more people at my kid’s black history month play this year. They told us about the play 2 days before it was to be performed. There’s also only like 50 kids in the preschool, but many kids had both parents and a few grandparents show up.

    14. Photo shows a couple hundred. Fire dept count 467. Trump It was YUGE crowd! Of thousands! Trust me, nobody knows numbers better than me!

    15. To be fair, there’s no one on stage so there’s no indication if this photo is from before, after, or during the rally.

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