is it true?

    by BarronGreen89


    1. NYT: “Trump was making America Great Again by improving youth unemployment, one underage worker at a time.”

    2. NYT: “Trump Appears On Epstein Call List Of Massage Appointments – Why This Is Bad For The Harris Campaign”

    3. Sad-Status-4220 on

      Republican pedophiles and rapist don’t fit the republicans narrative so it never happened.

    4. They could be referring to the group of journalists who tried to piece together who the different people were Trump was identified as like #136, Clinton was 96 or something

    5. No, it’s not true. This is a misinterpretation of a viral [tweet]( from July that described phone messages from Trump to Epstein “in between” calls from girls to schedule massages. They’re not calls to schedule massages himself.

      And they weren’t newly released. Florida did release [new docs related to Epstein’s Grand Jury] ( at the time, but they don’t mention Trump.

      Perhaps because they were listed on the same public disclosure site, the viral tweet apparently mistook years old docs as being “newly released.” The phone message they’re talking about can be seen in this article from [five years ago] (

      As the Washington Post fact checker [said]( about this claim at the time:

      > Trump wasn’t mentioned in the latest batch of Epstein documents. He was barely mentioned in the earlier batches. Rest assured — if Trump were prominently mentioned, it would have been a huge story.

      > Lieu earns Four Pinocchios.

    6. ‘Trump raped little girls and got massages on Epstein Island! See how this is bad for the Harris campaign’

    7. NYT: “The Republican base galvanized Trump appearing on the newly released Epstein call list; we have never identified with a presidential candidate this much!”

    8. It’s not true, and the tweet you’re posting is nearly 3 months old. We are better than this, or at least I thought we were.

    9. Too late, he’s on the Turd Trimester.

      Can’t abort him now, it will be too painful on the orange man baby

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