Schedule that immediately my boy

    by detox02


    1. Certain_Degree687 on

      This was me when I bleached and dyed my hair which I felt suited my mixed-race ancestry a bit more.

      Before I knew it, every white woman in Central VA who I passed by was hitting on me and giving me long glances whereas they didn’t before and I was like, time to get rid of this hair style since Black women and men are where it’s at for me.

    2. That’s hilarious. Early in our relationship my boyfriend told me that he was so glad that he decided to get a cut the morning we met because of how rough he had been looking by the head. He had considered putting it off until the next day. Him going to a haircut that morning was the only reason he was in that Starbucks that day. He didn’t want to go straight home after his cut. I’ve seen a picture of him before his haircut that day and he definitely looked rough and scraggly. That haircut saved him.

    3. pragmaticweirdo on

      The hardest thing in the world is when I’ve been too broke for a barber. I feel like I need a t-shirt that reads “I’m not a problem, I’m just broke”

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