As in chapel, not Chappelle

    by nikamats


    1. In my head, I’d sing her name like the old man from the Chappelle Show intro. “Chappelle Roan… Chappelle Roan…”

    2. I don’t know who everyone is talking about. My kids know where I stand with music. In the car I’ll be singing:

      “You go back, Jack, and do it again, wheel turnin’, round and round! You see THAT’S music. Non of that mumble rap shit. Didn’t Doom sample Steely Dan?”

    3. Ugh this is hilarious but my first thought after laughing is y’all just know Chappell is about to go on Instagram live to speak out and share her thoughts on why this is a violation to her and she needs boundaries because we don’t know her like that.

    4. There’s a Star Wars character in a novel named Roan Shryne, and that’s literally just “Roan Religious building,” which is a flip of “Religious Building Roan” here.

      And this book came out in like 2007, so that leads me to believe this pop person must’ve read Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, and I accept no other explanations.

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