Double standard : Why the same food from the USA is healthier outside of the USA

    by dreamed2life


    1. Isn’t it wild how the same food is healthier abroad?? it’s like the US added “extra preservatives and sugar” as a bonus ingredient

    2. “it’s unamerican.”

      No lady, glorifying the right to kill oneself and each other is literally what the country is all about…

    3. Capitalism Is Literally Killing People

      I’ve known this since the early 90’s. This is unregulated capitalism and this is what the filth that is the GOP fight for everyday.

      There are no innocents in this game, everyone is complicit.

    4. Environmental_Fix_69 on

      “I want Americans to be treated the same as citizens of other countries by our own American companies”

      Oh no… but then you would have to regulate for profit entities and that would be even more un-American wouldn’t it?

    5. Read about the efforts for food & drug regulation in the US close to 150 years ago (that finally led the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1903, the first such law, & the creation of the FDA) and the arguments against it & in favor of unchecked capitalism are exactly the same as nowadays! Nothing has changed

    6. she_slithers_slyly on

      And we wonder why they demonize universal healthcare.

      And we wonder why they’re poisoning us.

      And we wonder why medical care costs so much.


      And we wonder why they demonize universal healthcare.

      And we wonder why they’re poisoning us.

      And we wonder why medical care costs so much.


    7. Flashy_Experience_46 on

      Also, the disclosure rules are stricter in the European Union. For example, for almond “milks”, EU requires the disclosure of the percentage of the almonds in the drink. In the US, there is no such requirement. Many of these products such as the oat milks and almond milks have like no oats or almonds in them and are mostly junk fillers.

    8. Dry_Possibility_4075 on

      We started buying foods with less preservatives and cleaner ingredients and over the past 6 months I have never felt better.

      One easy app that helped is called Yuka. We scan the barcode on our foods before purchase and it gives you a score and a breakdown of items.

      I don’t own/profit/have any connection to the app, but it was a mind blowing experience going through our pantry scanning items. We have changed our diet/purchases completely as a result. Highly recommend Yuka.

    9. This is true. 48M. In 2019 I did a 3 month assignment in Africa (home is in TX). Ate at the hotel buffet breakfast/lunch/dinner. Ate more there than I usually do at home. Same semi-sedentary lifestyle.

      Lost 25 lbs. Most I’ve ever lost in a 3 mo period in my life.

    10. When Americans start caring about Americans more than waving flags, shouting ‘America,’ and making money, then we can truly make America great for THE FIRST TIME.

    11. LOL. When Americans realise the rest of the world doesn’t really give a shit about them, especially when they lack the capacity to regulate themselves

    12. master-desaster-69 on

      EU has banned a lot of pestizides and chemicals what are allowed in the US. The EU do control it. They take sample of the soil and vegetables and check them for pestizides. If anything is found, they destroy the products and don’t pay them.
      So yea farmers cannot sell the products to EU. Meanwhile they can sell it to US because they don’t have any of these regulations

    13. Additional_Duck_5798 on

      As an european Citizen stuff like this is unbelievable to me… There must have been a meeting at McDonald’s about this dangerous frying oil life extending ingredient… and the people in this meeting must have consciously voted to add it to the fries. This is insane!

    14. This is why calls for deregulation here are a fucking joke. Food is important but oil and chemical companies need to be held responsible in big ways.

    15. It’s almost as if the medical industry and the food industry are in cahoots together. Considering how the medical industry is one of the fastest growing in this country year after year…

    16. That dude in the background being paid to be an easel though…and with a powerpoint screen like 3 feet behind him too.

    17. > Double standard : Why the same food from the USA is healthier outside of the USA

      First off, that’s not a double standard.

      Also, most of the actual US food is not allowed to be sold in many countries. McDonald’s like many other fastfood do with local ingredients, and do not contain all the additives, preservatives, and added sugar, the US seem to love.

      Finally, Skittles and sodas are not food. Sugar-based cereals are not as well, to me at least.

    18. It’s not the same food… I could get a US product in Ireland and the ingredient list is completely different (the US version is filled with random chemicals instead of actual food).

    19. Hylian_ina_halfshell on

      I would have argued that all those products were much more expensive in foreign countries…. But here we are

    20. BlackForestMountain on

      It’s very American. World leaders of the free market, and the free market loves using chemicals that lower cost, preserve shelf life, and are cheaper than real ingredients.

    21.  Everyone that feels some type of way about this. Put your money behind how you feel. Boycott all these products and brands. Let them raise prices as much as possible. If no one is buying they’ll understand. Hit them where it hurts profits.

    22. Justanotherredditboy on

      I believe I read someone summarize it this way in regard to US and EU. In EU you need to prove that it’s ok for consumption, in US you need to approve that it’s bad for consumption.

    23. No-Introduction-6368 on

      Also these chemicals keep us more productive during our youth and kill us off when we get older. Seems like a win win for a country.

    24. I came to this conclusion years ago and have boycotted just about all processed food out of my diet and 100% of fast food.

      I just buy Whole Foods like fruit veggies rice and meat. 90% of everyone I went to high school with has gotten fat and unhealthy and continue to eat processed foods and don’t live active lifestyles.

      I’m honestly disgusted in the morning by the lines of people at Dunkin and McDonald’s.

      It really is like living in Idiocracy In America.

      Grow your own and take back your health!

    25. My mom visits the USA quite a bit (we’re Canadian) and she likes to bring back food stuffs sometimes. Every time she gives me something I glance over the ingredients and usually give it right back or chuck it once she’s gone. The amount of stuff their food is insane and can’t be healthy at all.

    26. I live in France. People here eat tons of meat, fat and sugar, drink coffee and alcohol, etc. And they aren’t obese. What we don’t have are tons of chemical ingredients and ultra-processed foods everywhere.

      When French people go the US to visit, most put on weight. Americans aren’t inherently obese or something – they have one the most unhealthy food systems in the world.

      So sad for such a successful country in other respects.

    27. US is a pre-diabetic nation with for-profit healthcare, what could go wrong?

      We’ve been fucked for a while.

      Look at what foods the EU bans from the US – all say “can cause cancer/birth defects/obesity”

      And farmers tried to legally change “high-fructose corn suryp” to “smart sugar”….

      US Corporate Overloards have been running the government for a while, because lobbyists make the laws now…

    28. mchoneyofficial on

      UK person here, I absolutely love USA, it’s probably my favourite place in the world, but it gets increasingly hard to defend your country with every passing year to all my friends/work colleagues. People outside of USA generally think the place is burning down. Nowhere is perfect (least of all the UK, I know) but man….USA is a whole other kettle of fish, I hate to see it fall apart like this.

    29. Wait, so you want the government to make Skittles, Twix, Gatorade, and McDonalds into health foods?
      I’ve got news for you, none of that is real food with or without those chemicals or dyes.

      You don’t want to buy or eat processed foods with extra chemicals? Stop buying and eating processed foods.

    30. You’re a customer not a patient here. It’s a business, cause the issues then supply the cure. Best bet is to make/cook your own food and workout regularly.

    31. Im_not_smelling_that on

      This should be a much bigger issue. This should be just as important as the economy or the border or any of it. We are literally being poisoned.

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