Your contributions is not an excuse – British Government (1952)

    by Ok-Masterpiece-7571


    1. Ok-Masterpiece-7571 on

      Short info

      Alan Turing is a mathematician and known to have help the development of Turing machine and help the allies decode the German enigma code which shorten the war and saved millions of lives

      But later on he will be convincted of Gross Indicency (being gay) he was given an option to choose jail or chemical castration, and he chooses chemical castration rendering him impotent of sex and he also loses his job

      He died in 1954 due to suicide by cyanide poisoning found in an apple

      Sorry for my wrong grammar

      Btw I’ll recommend you to watch the [video]( by yarnhub if you want to know more about him

    2. Not only did they do that to him, he was only pardoned for his homosexuality back in 2013, which was way too overdue considering homosexuality was legalised in 1967

    3. Wooden_Second5808 on

      Colossus was Tommy Flowers.

      For all that what happened to him was terrible, can people stop attributing the work of the guy born in a slum who worked and took night school classes to get his degree, before building the first programmable computer, to the upper class theoretician.

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