Stable Genius Dog Whistles in Nazi

    by MuthaFukinRick


    1. FluffyDiscipline on

       You have to wonder where he gets his ideas from…

      *Plus “mass deportation, even of women and children,”*

    2. CrzyMuffinMuncher on

      Ok, I am a staunch opponent of cheeto man and everything about him. I would happily throw rocks at nazis. But you lose credibility when you misrepresent a photo of him waving because for a second it looks like a salute. The bronze monster does enough stupid stuff without having to pretend he’s doing something he’s not.

    3. Bloody hell. My Grandmother still has the numbers tattooed on her arm from Auschwitz. I’ll be damned if anyone allows that sort of thing to happen again.

      What the hell are we all going to do about this? Make it clear what this means. Make it clear that everyone needs to vote. Make it clear that this sort of vile idea is just not acceptable and why.

    4. is there a quote where he says he wants to give them serial numbers? in the picture it sure as hell isn’t

      because he only talks as if they have some already; like they are ID numbers or asyl seeking processing numbers

    5. Cringe agenda posting. Cherry picked photo of him waving, unrelated gang photos with tattoos to make it look like he wants to ‘brand immigrants’.

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