Bigly Smartness on full display as 45 brings a toddler on stage after two assassination attempts!

    by Quick-Cod6978


    1. CAL_the_fox_lover on

      That’s quite smart for him, surely most people who want to shoot him wouldn’t kill an innocent child right?

    2. As much as I hate the guy, this is reaching. Should he not be allowed near children in general anymore due to the attempts?

    3. Even more weird since he doesn’t even like or know his own grandchildren. He’d use them as human shields though.

    4. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      Meanwhile Eric and Don Jr are watching with a tear running down their cheeks thinking “he never held us like that”.

    5. 100% human shield. You think he cares about anyone else safety when holding rally’s on 100 degree days in hot states?

    6. Biden brings baby out on stage: “wow he is such a good president”
      Trump brings baby on stage: “how could he do that!? He is using it as a human shield!
      The man could cure cancer and you brainwashed idiots would come up with something to complain about.
      -Edit – No chance in hell Biden could hold a baby…

    7. Funny. Just the other day I saw a pic of him behind the bullet proof glass and u guys were just complaining about it. Now ur complaining a kid I’d also BEHIND the bullet proof glass lol. Make up ur damn minds.

    8. It’s actually smart, they won’t try another assassination attempt if there are kids in danger.

      Unless they’re truly ruthless.

    9. Cincinnatikidd513 on

      The dems are now the party of “Death and Destruction”. Making mention of him doing this only proves the fact that the Dems are willing to try again. They will stop at nothing, even murder, to ensure their candidate wins. They feel totally validated in doing so. Yet will scream on your face and get physical when you don’t agree with their policies. They are a party of hypocritical war mongers, who will stop at nothing to get their way. No matter the costs.

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