The weight limit should be good

    by Stellalilu


    1. I’ve seen a lot of these posts, and there are an alarmingly large number of people laughing at some sort of perceived ridiculousness here. In fact, this is a very strict regulation for any vehicles that operate above a certain load-size and wheel-diameter (which includes semis, tractors, trailers, and several other specifications).

      The miniature – or as it’s referred to on the road, the “dinny” – is there as a means of identification for highway-patrol officers and vehicle-operators in the same class. If a particular vehicle is experiencing trouble with something, they’ll mark the area on the dinny with a red, yellow, or blue sticker. (Red means “critical”, yellow means “desirable”, and blue means essentially “hopeful.”) Blue stickers have also been used – albeit illegally – as a way of soliciting prostitutes at truck-stops.

      Anyway, if you see a dinny strapped to the back of a larger vehicle, it’s probably a sign that said vehicle requires assistance of some kind.


    2. A guy in my town used to always come home with an empty load, except for the 1:24 die cast car he would carefully strap down.

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