When even ancient wisdom is telling you to hit the gym, you know it’s time

    by thymeiajazzy


    1. MechanicalMan64 on

      I mean it’s easy for a philosopher from a manually powered civilization to say you need to be fit.

    2. Express_Particular45 on

      I get the lack of motivation. Just lifting is tedious as hell and it only scratches half the itch anyway. Combine it with regular outdoor cardio and you will feel fantastic after a while.

    3. Used to have an older coworker who stubborn and conservative and not half as well-read as he thought he was. He never worked out or ran, which is one thing. He said he hated doing sports, which is not really something I mind. But of course he always had to be right about everything, so he added: “And I am convinced humans are not made for sports. You’re not telling me the hunter-gatherers were doing sports. Maybe they ran after a deer now and then, but that’s it.”

      Yeeeaaahhhh…. Running after a deer takes a bit of stamina, mate. Also, hunter-gatherers were (and are) not the perfect superhumans people make them out to be.

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