My Bearded Dragon won’t stop watching friends…

    by Space-Gang


    1. UVB Light, Heat light, Plant of some sort for it to cool off, Hide, Cool area, Better substrate, Clean the poop off the floor, Add more clutter in the tank, Give him calcium/vitamins,feed a lot. That is what you need to do for this dragon

    2. There’s so much poop! How hard is it for your friend to swap out paper towels?

      All that space and nothing in it. No raised basking platform, nothing to climb, nowhere to dig. No uvb so that’s horrendous bone deformity waiting to happen. They really may as well have not bothered. I mean, what’s the little guy supposed to do all day? This is really sad to look at.

    3. Literally just depressing. Tell him he’s unintentionally abusing an animal and ask to take over its care or something because that’s wild.

      Like it’s 100% going to die if nothing is done and there are so many things wrong here that I can’t even begin to list them

    4. A lot of people seem to think this is her habitat lol she’s on the couch, she doesn’t spend all of her time in her habitat as she likes to get out and explore and climb on things and be a lizard and also watch friends.

    5. Animist10101992 on

      Cuz he’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. Cuz he’ll be there for you, like he has been there before.

    6. saltlocksmith9503 on

      tsk tsk, how’s he gonna sleep after watching shows all night! At least wear blue light filter glasses

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