Trump insists bullet went through his ear! (Scientists baffled by results)

    by lovehisdogs


    1. Nobody has retracted anything, and you ear has magically healed with no scar tissue. What’s more likely, it was a little piece of glass or you have the X-gene?

    2. All he’s doing is making people more convinced the whole thing was staged.

      He’s absolutely lying. It did not go through his ear. The proof of this is that his ear is fine now. It would not be if it went through his ear.

      So he’s *lying* about that.

      Also, and I can’t believe this has to be said again, there was no second “attempt.” The guy did not do anything. He didn’t even try anything. He was just in the area, and then he ran away. That “letter” they released was the phoniest of baloneys.

      I’m sick of being lectured by people who think it’s beyond the pale to suggest any of this was staged. If he’s lying about any of it (and he objectively, factually *is*,) he can be lying about all of it.

    3. By the time I finished reading that (why??) I certainly wished it went through his ear. And out the other.

      Nobody has perfected the art of victimhood like DJT.

    4. Probably went through his head. It’s not like it could hit anything in there. Heck, same is true for all his acolytes. Not a single brain among them. Just evil. Pure evil.

    5. Just shut up DonOld. We are sick to death of your babyish blathering. Didn’t even read your latest garbage. Vote 🔵 all the way!

    6. Assault weapon fired at Donald. The bullet went “thru” his ear with NO apparent damage. Doesn’t make sense, we have seen the damage those weapons cause.

    7. Someone needs to remind the quad indicated, twice impeached, one term loser that he isn’t POTUS.

      Notice no one on Faux News refers to Obama as “President Obama”, but always “former president”.

    8. MRflibbertygibbets on

      This seems a deliberate attempt to discredit the FBI and entire Justice system. I’d imagine undermining the law would be high on Vlad’s bucket list

    9. Who gives a shit what he says about this? He’s a pathetic moron looking to get people talking about this rather than his declining health.

    10. His ear healed in a miracle. Even the hands of Jesus didn’t heal, so Trump is clearly more important than him!

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