
    by Andi-Zippy


    1. ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)

      “I can’t believe Biden got more attention than me…”

    2. Consistent-Goal6936 on

      It must be emasculating for Muskrat to realize that the people who work for him can manipulate him so easily.

    3. Add to this when he found out his was the most blocked account on Twitter he wanted to remove the ability to block accounts.

    4. Basic_Alternative753 on

      I mean, I knew he was a delulu narcissistic creep, but this makes me sad. I can’t even be a sarcastic asshole about it, this is just Sad.

    5. DarvinceMeatball on

      Imagine having front-row seats to the Super Bowl but choosing to rage-quit because Twitter didn’t give you enough attention. That’s some next-level main character syndrome.

    6. Why anyone uses that cesspool of an app is beyond me, its never had any real value. Its always been the worst of all the social media plaforms, then Musk bought it and dialed it up to Ludacris.

    7. Expert-Lab-8713 on

      Him and trump are absolutely weird cases in men who want people to like them but have absolutely no idea how to be likeable. Then the rest of us have to live with the fallout

    8. Its quite the hellscape that musk and Trump, 2 of the most thin skinned, pathetic, babies, have control over millions of people and can unfortunately and not insignificantly influence one of the most powerful nations on earth.

    9. jl_theprofessor on

      I can’t even get Twitter to stop recommending me his posts. If I try that option to not get any more from him it still pushes his tweets to me.

      Glad I’m on Bluesky.

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