
    by rhetoricallodgings


    1. Assuming the first digit of the 16 numbers is a 4, then there are still 99 combinations.. doesn’t the card get blocked after some N attempts?

    2. There is a follow up where she answers and asks “Why does everyone want to know the 3 digits on the back?”

    3. And now he has no money in his account and is in need of his second debit card. Chase finding his post won’t refund his fraudulently spent earnings. Lol

    4. Don’t matter real holup is that the card expired last month. Just trolling some ‘lol you stupid’ people

    5. He’s gonna have to no-ah silversmith to get that money back.. I’ll see myself out

    6. DishRevolutionary593 on

      She really did provide the 3 numbers on a follow up because people didn’t believe her. RIP credit score

    7. Bubbly_Toe_8840 on

      I don’t understand. Doesn’t it require an OTP or PIN to work? Does it work differently in other countries?

    8. How are people using the credit card though? Aren’t you required to also match the exact billing address to be able to purchase anything online?

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