It turns out safari has a tab limit

    by Davi199


    1. This post made me look up how to close my Safari tabs. I have 328 of them, and I am now free.

      *You just hold the bottom right tab corner, and will then have the option to close all tabs. I have been wondering this for maybe a decade.*

    2. One_Anteater3992 on

      I know that chrome used to, (and maybe still does) had this thing where after you opened 99 tabs – the little number indicator next to the tabs would disappear and be replaced with a ‘ 🙂 ‘ .

      I always thought that was fantastic engineering.

    3. Well I’m in r/romancebooks and am constantly open new tabs to remind me a want to read a certain book… I’ve currently have over 100 tabs open bc of this

    4. YellowandOrange022 on

      Ran into this a few weeks ago. Sat and reflected for a minute like “how did I let it get this bad” lmao

    5. I went about a year without closing a tab on chrome on my phone once. Over 15,000 tabs by the end of that.

    6. Yes but if you create a new “Tab Group” you can keep adding tabs to new groups, so that gives you another 500 per tab group. LOL 🤣

    7. Aggravating-Bug2032 on

      You know if you think of tabs as books and browsers as bookshelves, the idea of finding a piece of information and shelving it for future reference doesn’t seem so outrageous to have hundreds of those

    8. Oh that’s useful to know, I had >430 the other day and finally went through and closed them or reorganized them. I think if you use the groups feature you can have more than 500 though

    9. My father was frustrated that his phones internet browser was running slow. I had a look and saw that he had never intentionally closed a single tab, he just opened a new one whenever he wanted to search for something else, never returning to the old ones.

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