Al Capone was untouchable until the IRS came for him. Funny that Trump keeps mentioning him.

    by susierabbit


    1. I think when thy figure out just who paid melania almost 240k to give a short speech, we will see another indictment.

    2. I hate being a conspiracy theorist and stuff, but I have a little theory. Please hear me out!

      1. It’s pretty much a fact that Donnie was very sexually active during the 70s and 80s, to the point that he called it his own personal Vietnam.

      2. At some point, he contracts syphilis from his sexual adventures.

      3. When Trump’s doctor tries to break the news to him, he tells him about famous people who also had syphilis, one of these people being Al Capone. ‘See Buddy, don’t be sad, Capone lived a long life!”

      4. Trump’s huge ego accepts this, and as some badge of machismo, a trophy of being manly, he runs with it. He loves being associated with strongman types like Al Capone, Putin, Stalin etc

      5 . This is why he constantly compares himself with Capone during rallies (number of indictments etc)

      6. Just like Capone, Trump is developing late stage neurosyphilis, which causes mood swings, dementia, senility etc

      I might be wrong but this just fits so perfectly!

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