My mom in 1996 vs now

    by Human_Influence_391


    1. So me an ops mom apparently are close in age. It’s uncommon, but I’m the same. Ginger is my answer for me, lol. But I’m the same height and weight that I was in 96 and if I shaved , yes you can tell I’m older, same as her. But not 30 years older

    2. So basically one can conclude that during those years she had you and bought glasses, not much changed

    3. LookinAtTheFjord on

      Thanks for posting the now pic. Nobody ever does that!

      She hasn’t freakin changed at all. Your mom is hot.

    4. Can you please get your mom on here so we all can have a chat with her about her skin care routine, diet, lifestyle, and all of the things that would contribute to her awesomeness!!!!! 😅 she looks amazing

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