How do you teach sex education without mentioning **anatomy**??

    by SlavePrincessVibes3


    1. I’d love to see some teacher come up with an extremely creative way to teach sex education within the parameters of this insanely stupid requirement.

    2. “exclude consent”

      There’s the key takeaway there we all missed. He doesn’t like being told no.

    3. They’re only doing this so kids don’t know if they’re being abused so then they don’t report.

    4. An authoritarian *and* a drooling idiot. Who votes for cancerous anal warts like this guy? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)

    5. someoneelse2389 on

      I’m guessing that’s the point.

      The more restrictions these idiots put on the things they can’t actually ban yet, the less effective they are (e.g. if they can’t ban sex ed, banning the 30 most necessary words for accurately conducting a useful sex ed class will have the same effect)

    6. started_from_the_top on

      You guys are assuming the worst of Ron here; all he wants is a quality sex-ed mime show to be enacted by educators. And that’s more than reasonable. Make America Mime Again 🇺🇸

    7. “Okay kids, when a man loves a woman very much and only after they have been blessed by Jesus in Holy Matrimony, the man puts his hoo-hoo in the woman’s ha-ha, and that’s how babies are made. No questions please.”

    8. mildlysceptical22 on

      Is this guy a direct descendant of the Puritans? You know, the people who had to leave England because they were so weird? Gawdamighty..

    9. “So you take your doo-hickey and put it in her whatchamacallit. Your doo Hickey will explode and the ickyness will find its way to round things to make a whoseamawhatchit. After it’s cooked, the whoseamawhatchit slides out of her whatchamcallit and ta-da!!! The magic of how we’re are made is no longer a mystery.


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