faux business news modus operandi

    by statistacktic


    1. It’s entertainment for a certain brand if right wing idiots. They don’t wanna know the truth. They just want their emotions stroked the right way. And in a capitalistic society, somebody will fulfill that need.

    2. Don’t any of Kudlow’s idiot Fox News viewers have IRA’s, 401k, or equity asset accounts? Surely they would see with their own eyes their accounts value increasing to record levels?

    3. Almost all of business news sources have become Conservative/Republican to the point where you can’t trust them for actual business news.

      Even sources like Bloomberg have their statements/discussions/analysis (not always but frequently) propagandized to the extreme right wing views.

    4. I know a republican who bought his $70,000 dream car this year, with cash, and while he was standing next to it, he was trying to tell me how the economy is terrible and nobody can buy anything.

    5. Doom and glooming is in the interest of fascism. It benefits them.

      It’s why Trump yelling “THIS COUNTRY IS DYYYYINNGGG” is so fucking awful/evil/intentionally misleading to do, especially as a world leader/public figure, especially to all children or scared people watching at home. (also making people feel safe is a part of a president’s job)

      Fascism loves to act like the state is in a state of decline, it whips everyone into a panic/frenzy in order to better steer and utilize their emotions against them. That’s what fascism does, appeal to “desires of strength” and picks apart logic or rational thinking in order to exploit the “perceived weakness”/fears of the current state of events.

    6. I saw Kudlow’s report from the first night, he was practically crying about the record market, and started screaming that Trump’s economy was better. I literally thought he would burst into tears.

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