This tape dispenser has concrete inside of it

    by mutelore


    1. I always remember thinking “these things are oddly heavy,” but never really understanding why. Guess I know now

    2. Ooohhh, so modern…. 😗 mine had SAND which was fine until there was a little hole in the rubber foot. It took YEARS to figure out why my desk and file cabinet were always a little gritty. 😠

    3. supercyberlurker on

      Yeah, they need weight to hold it down as you pull tape.. but doing that with metal would be expensive.

      So.. concrete.

    4. I have had multiple floor lamps/torchieres that had plaster in the base like this. Definitely plaster, as it breaks easily (like your tape dispenser.) I kept getting chunks coming out until the base was no longer heavy enough to keep the lamp stable.

    5. The good ones do.

      When they put concrete in speakers and lead weights in ear buds, you’re getting ripped off.

    6. I never really gave a thought about it’s weight, other than it was kinda heavy for what it is… And this is the answer I learned today!

    7. You’d be surprised how often concrete is used in everyday objects as a weight. Unfortunately pure concrete like this crumbles very easily, as you discovered here, which makes it a pain to replace. A lot of washing machines use concrete blocks as counterweights and unfortunately they can quite easily break and need replacement, which is no easy thing to do since the ones on washing machines are much larger.

    8. This reminds me of an old washing machine a friend of mine had. I was helping him move it and the thing weighed so much than it looked like it should. We got it on the dolly and I glanced at the underside and there’s this huge chunk of concrete right in the middle, about the size of a basketball. There was no way to remove the weight. I believe it was there to help the unit keep stable when it the tub was spinning.

    9. Yknow the memes that are like “the closest thing to you is your only weapon in a zombie attack, how fucked are you?” This post immediately made me think of this. Wouldnt be the worst option 😂

    10. Since people are now dming me over it: sure, “had.” Thank you – I can not edit the post. I appreciate you trying to help 🙂

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