This made my heart hurt

    by ilizibeth


    1. Oh, same happened to a patient I had a few weeks ago. When we tell you not to eat, it’s not to annoy you FFS!

      The guy barely survived. His stomach was full. He was having an endoscopy.

    2. There’s a reason why patients are kept NPO before the surgery. It’s not to be mean, it’s for patient’s safety.

    3. It’s not something I did to her, but I’m about to do something to you–I want a divorce and you’re never seeing your kid again without supervision.

    4. Doctors need to start being meaner about this. Start telling parents “if you feed your child after midnight for this surgery they will die and it will be your fault”, I don’t care whose feelings get hurt by it.

    5. The doc woke my mother in law up from her colonoscopy and showed her an X-ray of what I imagined to be cartoon like submarine sandwich in here intestines and said, “WTF?” She said, “but I was hungry.”

    6. How does this man still have custody of his precious little girl? I hope CPS steps in asap!! Unacceptable behavior from any adult with 1/5 of a brain in their head. Poor child, I hope, for here sake, she won’t remember this traumatic experience when she’s older.

    7. inmatenumberseven on

      Good example of why experts in many fields need help communicating their expertise to lay-people.

      An accompanying explanation of WHY it’s dangerous might have made all the difference. Ignoring the FACT that many people are just not smart can be dangerous.

    8. “Can we do the surgery again?”

      “Sure. But she’s going to stay in the hospital the night before so we can MAKE SURE SHE DOESN’T EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT because it could KILL HER IF SHE EATS OR DRINKS ANYTHING BEFORE THIS SURGICAL PROCEDURE!!!”

    9. So I’m assuming he lied when they asked him prior to surgery to verify she had nothing to eat?

      These rage bait stories are very entertaining, but hardly based in reality.

    10. This. We try to do young kids in surgery first. But we tell them ahead not to eat and why. We do the why part over and over and tell them they could vomit and if it turns out something else bad could happen the need to see what it is. But can’t see if something is wrong if you’re barfing up breakfast. We ve had to cancel surgeries on preteens and teenage girls because their pregnancy tests come back positive before surgery. We cancel and then we have to tell the parents why we had to cancel. My husband is an otolaryngologist that does a ton of
      Surgery on kids.

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