Found an 84 year old biscuit in my Grandmother’s freezer.

    by hoop-d-lishus


    1. >Biscuit made by me

      >Dara L Chambers in

      >August 1940 as the

      >*Blantinship??* home

      Best I could do

      So are you going to eat it or what?

    2. That could be one of the last pieces of food that doesn’t have minute traces of radiation from nuclear testing.

    3. Infamous_Register223 on

      [The Great Depression]( (1929-1939) was just ending at that time. Sources like oral histories and government records from the time report that food insecurity was a daily challenge for many Americans during the Great Depression. Widespread poverty, unemployment, and the collapse of the agricultural sector made food scarce for millions. Breadlines and soup kitchens became common, as many Americans relied on charitable organizations and government relief to obtain basic sustenance.

      Several factors contributed to food shortages and hunger:

      * **Mass unemployment** left people without income to buy food, and many had to rely on soup kitchens or relief programs.
      * **Falling farm prices** due to overproduction during the 1920s led to farmers going bankrupt and crops being destroyed.
      * **Dust Bowl droughts** in the Midwest further devastated farming regions, making it hard to grow food, especially for poor farmers.

      Despite efforts like the New Deal programs and the rise of community aid, hunger persisted for years during the 1930s.

      So, that biscuit is a real testament to how needy people were for food.

    4. I’ve had my freezer for 4 years and it already needs a repair guy. That freezer is still going strong after that long?!?! Tell me the brand

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