The civil war never ended in 1939

    by FrenchieB014


    1. In 1944, after operating under French forces of the interior, the *Agrupación de Guerrilleros Españoles (*Spanish Guerrilla Group- short in A.G.E) was positioned near the French border and battled Germans in southern France. Following the liberation of Toulouse by the French, the Guerrilleros focused their strategy on liberating Spain as they now controll the entire French border.

      Prior to 1944, the Spanish had two administrations in exile, one in Moscow and another in Toulouse, and aggressively pursued the war to free Spain than form an alliance with the eventual French resistance.

      In October 1944, armed by the FTPF (french communists) and scattered around the French border, more than 10,000 Spaniards undertake part in the offensive ; nevertheless, only 7,000 manage to create a dent in the Spanish defense. The men were stationed in the Val d’Aran, but after a Francoist counterattack, the Republicans were forced to flee to France, where they were disarmed by the French military.

      The operation’s failure can be attributed to a lack of cooperation between the Toulouse and Moscow administrations, a shortage of heavy weapons, and a lack of popular support. Although propaganda was still produced in France, those news rarely reached Spain, so no one anticipated them..

      A neat part of history.

    2. In my mind this now completely fills in any gaps I might have thought of in the plot of Pans Labyrinth. Thank you

    3. The Spanish civil war was such a shit show, two oppressive authoritarian governments killing thousands with the backing of some of the most despicable regimes in human history.

    4. Considering how the campaign went and how relatively unimportant it was to the national Spanish government, their death was not all that greatly exaggerated.

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