
    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      I hope Leon goes up into space on a rocket and never returns. That’s the hope space represents for me.

    2. So Elmo is now all of space, and spaceX is the only way to get there. You can dump on elmo or spaceX and still be bullish about space exploration.

    3. gingerbreadman9662 on

      I really believe space is the future of mankind, but first we need to deal with the problems we have here on Earth, otherwise we may never reach it.
      Elmo and others like him belive they are advancing humanity when in reality they are or greatest obstacles right now, with their vanity projects and unending greed.

    4. Thr0bbinWilliams on

      The bad part is they have the money for both playing in space and to feed and house people it’s not a one or the other situation they just don’t give a fuck

    5. “We the billionaire class have a hope after we’re done ruining and pillaging this planet there would still be a few more. Don’t you dare taking the hope away!”

    6. No one attacks space. What the attack is the way you spend money. If you really believed in space then maybe spend your money differently and people wont attack you

    7. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      No one’s attacking “Space,” Muskie.  They’re calling you a dipshit because you managed to make space seem less cool by association.

    8. Elon trying to sell us on space so he can get more federal grants so he can be the world’s first trillionaire.

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