Here's the top lessons i've learned from this subreddit.

    1. Face your fears and embrace things that once made you feel insecure to grow beyond them.
    2. Just start.
    3. It's not about the things that happen to you, it's how you respond to them.
    4. Trust the timing of your life; everything happens to guide you where you're meant to be.
    5. Taking very small steps is way better than doing nothing at all. Even if you fail, you'll know the direction you have to pivot to.
    6. It's ok to say no to people to prioritize yourself. Stay in to read, study, and take time to yourself.

    Personal Development Resources:

    Mind Snack newsletter: Going over different self development topics a few times per week. 

    5 Healthyish things i like/don't like : an interesting newsletter talking about healthy things and non healthy things.

    by incomestrms

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