I enjoy intercourse with my female human mate

    by Calliope_Sassy


    1. The very tentative barely-touching-lips kiss there does not appear to preclude him from enjoying homosexual passion with his male friend.

    2. Leather_Network4743 on

      Is this for real? A sitting US Senator posted this? What bizarre fucking timeline are we living in, anyway?

    3. While I don’t expect them to just start going at it in public, that is about the most passionless kiss I have ever seen.

    4. mildlysceptical22 on

      She has a little pucker going on, while he looks like he has no lips. It’s almost like he’s not really liking this thing that’s happening to him.

    5. Greetings fellow straight people! It sure is great to be a heterosexual. Boy howdy, inserting your erect penis into ~~a glory hole in the men’s bathroom of Chik-Fil-A~~ your **female** wife’s vagina (for procreation purposes only as Jesus dictates) is just the best, isn’t it?

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