[OC] Year of Last Execution In Each State (accurate As of September 23, 2024)

    by TheUpcomingEmperor


    1. Numerous_Recording87 on

      Much as I hate using the US map to depict state-level data, shading states by decade of last execution might help absorbing 50 pieces of information.

    2. TheUpcomingEmperor on

      I’ll add that this is referring to state level executions. Federal or military executions are not counted.

    3. Michigan’s last *and only* execution as a state was actually in 1838, one year after its admittance to the union in 1837.

    4. What happened in Michigan, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, and Maine that made them stop executing people in the 19th century? That’s a lot earlier than most others that stopped.

    5. Personally I think we should execute far more.
      For repeat violent offenders, and repeat child molesters/rapists.

    6. Michigan! I know you’re pretty much Canada but I didn’t know you were that nice?!

    7. So, for practical purposes, only 17 states have active (<14 years since last execution) capital punishment programs. About 1/3 of the Union. Mostly red states.

    8. AdrianArmbruster on

      Hawaii’s last execution would’ve predated its statehood, notably.

      Texas and, increasingly, Florida just love executing people. Don’t even have to be guilty, really.


      This is super relevant since Marcellus Williams is sentenced for execution TOMORROW, Sept. 24th, 2024 despite DNA evidence that could prove his innocence. There was also lots of issues surrounding the handling of his case – including mishandling of evidence, racial bias in jury selection by removing black jurors, and the list goes on.

      Read more about him here: [https://innocenceproject.org/cases/marcellus-williams/](https://innocenceproject.org/cases/marcellus-williams/)

    10. Adamantium-Aardvark on

      Other countries that still use the death penalty:

      – Saudi Arabia
      – Yemen
      – Syria
      – Sudan
      – Afghanistan
      – North Korea
      – China
      – Egypt
      – Belarus
      – Iran
      – Iraq
      – Somalia

      … notice a pattern there?

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