Think before you speak would have been a good option here.

    by h20poIo


    1. TinyToadEnthusiast on

      Yeah there was absolutely no reason for a middle schooler to be selling my people fentanyl laced Xanax at my high school.

    2. Own-Cupcake7586 on

      Somehow people see more drug seizures and more detained people at the border as an increase in the problem, instead of an increase of the solution. Seizing drugs means they’re not getting through. Geniuses.

    3. Biden and Kamala are no where to be found, this the alphabet boys don’t have politicians in their way stopping them from doing their jobs for once. Now if only we could get the rest of the politicians to disappear.

    4. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley Is a fucking clown. All I can hope for from this period of time is the death of whatever the GOP has become. It’s not impossible to get back to the ways of governable decorum but we as a people have to remove these ignorant hateful tumors first.

    5. Accomplished_Emu_658 on

      Apparently they need to go into other countries and prevent it from getting to the borders in first place.

    6. Ok_Breakfast5425 on

      No mention of the border bill the GOP shot down because daddy don told the he didn’t want Biden to get credit for it

    7. Chance-Ear-9772 on

      Isn’t that Nikki Haley? What’s the point of blurring out the name of a very public political figure? It’s not like she doesn’t puts herself out in the news and makes speeches n stuff.

    8. Individual_West3997 on

      also crazy when you realize that most of it was seized from american citizens crossing at legal points of entry.

    9. Available-Elevator69 on

      Sorry Mam. They must of stepped away from the Border to run the country. I’m sure they will be back in an hour or two to check in.

    10. Epicporkchop79-7 on

      Hear me out. Maybe, just maybe, if you go around screaming that the borders are open on every media outlet you can, it might just cause more people to try to cross that border.

      The rhetoric about catching more people is weird. They caught more, which means they are doing more.

    11. Mcboatface3sghost on

      I can’t tell if she’s pandering to the maga base and knows they are morons, or she’s a moron, or, a combination of both… Her endorsement of Trump after attempting to primary him, the soulless shit she said, then said other soulless shit completely opposite of the first soulless shit is fucking wild. “Oh, that’s just retail politics!”. Fuck that, you have zero morals, gtfo.

      What the fuck up with South Carolina? Two gay dudes, pretending they aren’t gay dudes, an ex governor that disappears and hikes the Appalachian trail, which is apparently in fucking Brazil, and “Nikki” who will say exactly the opposite what she said 2 sentences prior.

    12. purplegladys2022 on

      Every time they bitch and moan about one record setting seizure after another, all I can think is that they’re really mad about all the drugs their constituency is being deprived of.

    13. Magas lost the definition of seized.

      Also, the bulk of this seized drug contraband is at the port of entry.

    14. Ah, but you don’t *understand,* the Border Patrol works for trump. Or possibly Governor Abbott. So it isn’t the Biden administration that has stopped all these drugs. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)

    15. Republicans are profoundly stupid. They can make inanimate objects look like geniuses.

      Republicans **HATE** America.

      Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. 

      Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

      It very likely does.

    16. EatsOverTheSink on

      If Harris really loved America she’d do her duty as border czar and lead a small special forces team to infiltrate Mexico and assassinate everybody in the fentanyl supply chain to keep Americans safe. Trump would’ve done this himself, bone spurs be damned, but he’s too busy with all of the lawsuits thrown at him by the liberal agenda.

    17. So our border security has improved under Biden and Harris. This increase was the ineffectiveness of Trumps policies. So when Trump was in charge, despite all his bluster, the border was a sieve.

    18. State_Conscious on

      Anything good that The govt does is acted out by their conservative heroes. Anything that annoys them is acted out by Democrat politicians….. they literally see no connection between positivity and a liberal gov’t official

    19. Hey, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, too bad you weren’t raised democrat, you wouldn’t have had to chance your name in order to get elected by your peers.

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