Look who funded the campaign of the guy that wants to bring slavery back and identifies as a nazi

    by rwoooshed


    1. How many of them also gave to the democratic candidate?

      Why bribe (I mean donate to) one side and possibly lose, when you can give to both and hedge your bets?

    2. Microsoft being a supporter of a governor that wants to restore slavery and even buy some slaves, is indeed shocking.

    3. I would expect that most of those companies (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Walmart, etc) gave to both campaigns, because it both makes sense and is stupid cheap to curry favor. Just the act of donating to a campaign or Super PAC can gather quite a bit of good will from politicians, even if the company never actually lobbies directly to them.

    4. Some one please tell me why these people need so much money to run for office in a little bitty state. NC only has like 4 real sized towns. What are they spending this cash on. I think you could pay everyone in NC a years salary with all that money.

    5. Just want to point out that Mark “Black Nazi” Robinson clears the bar with Pfizer, Wells Fargo, and Travelers but Elon doesn’t.

    6. These companies need to be more careful, but I would like to see how much these mooks gave to his opponent, would not be surprised if they gave to both, but favored who they thought would win.

    7. WinchelltheMagician on

      How can reps for the companies be put on the spot to answer for this support? There are boycotts, but seeing the folks bankrolling the war on democracy squirm as they are asked blunt questions would be very nice, and maybe informative.

    8. republican = tax cuts and repealing regulations

      that’s all they care about. don’t care if he’s a nazi, a criminal, or insane. so long as it means a fatter quarterly report.

    9. Too bad these corporations wouldn’t give their employees this kinds of money! We have to get corporations out of the election!

    10. Seattle_gldr_rdr on

      Whenever I see these lists, I want to see the other list of what they paid to the opponent, because often it’s a similar amount. They just want whoever wins to feel indebted.

    11. lost_at_command on

      This may be slightly misleading.

      These amounts represent corporate contributions to the Republican Governors Association’s (RGA) PAC. Not all of those dollars went to Robinson, nor do the corporations have authority over who receives money from the RGA.

      Robison is by all evidence, a garbage human being supported by garbage donors; lets just have our facts straight about the nature of the landfill.

    12. Get corporate money out of politics (Citizens United) if you want government to work for people instead of the interests of corporations.

    13. HeadMembership1 on

      They donare to all candidates in order to have access after the election, regardless of who wins.

      I would assume they didn’t know this guy was a total degenerate pervert. The R was a clue, but still.

    14. Thanks for providing a list of companies I will not invest in. My 401 will not have any ties to these companies moving forward.

    15. numbskullerykiller on

      Dude this makes me irate. But how can we punish these companies. I don’t use Doordash already, or shop at Walmart, but google? Microsoft? My job and industry uses those on a default basis. How do we inflict punishment on these clowns.

    16. petarisawesomeo on

      Lot of wasted money…this guy was getting murdered in the polls even before his campaign imploded

    17. Glad my door dash account locked last night. Goodbye crap app! Your service ain’t good enough for me to hesitate.

    18. It is not appropriate, in any case, under any circumstance, for a corporation to give any amount of funds to a political campaign. Change my mind.

    19. Comfortable_Swim_380 on

      Yea why the hell he for slavery anyways.. It’s really quite baffling.
      Seems like he forgot what race he is.. Just saying..

      This dude isn’t even playing 3 dimensional connect 4 at this point. It’s like 1D cereal box puzzle.

    20. The owner class doesn’t care what their politicians do, they just care about their tax breaks, subsidies, handouts, and deregulation.

    21. Major Corporations that are anti-democracy. Thanks for the warning. More people need to hear about this!

    22. Sad-Status-4220 on

      Just a guess, but the minimum wage debate is still going on in NC, and these companies don’t want increases.

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