My Assets Got Absconded

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Jokes on them, I’m diversified in Schrute Bucks and Beanie Baby’s. I have some cabbage patch kids as back up.

    2. I’m just pissed at myself for not being financially smart enough to short it… I could have made millions off his failure smh

    3. That’s Joe Biden’s America. Stock market tanking! The next Great Depression coming soon if Harris wins! DJT back in the White House and this baby going through the roof!!!

      /s (for me. Maybe not others.)

    4. blandocalrissian50 on

      I hope there are financial advisors who were pushing that stock when it hit the market. Everyone who put any money into this deserves to be where they are.

    5. LoveBootyQueenGal1 on

      Not a chance. He said he wouldn’t sell and if trump is one thing, it’s honest

      some brain dead maga chucklefuck, probably

    6. BergkampsFirstTouch on

      Dumb MAGAs losing their shirt over this is its own reward, but I see the price of DJT as a predictor of the election. So DJT’s recent nosedive fills with hope, in addition to the aforementioned schadenfreude.

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