Meanwhile, DJT hits new low today

    by yukiyunyun


    1. Varney, at least, is mostly staying reality-based when the reality is blatantly obvious. That’s better than a lot of others on Fox so-called News.

    2. Trump owns 120 million shares. Every day for the last six days he has been losing the equivalent of between 80 million and $120 million per day. As of the time of my post, the stock is trading at $12.75 which means Trump has lost $96 million today alone. The Dell hit a new fresh intraday high today. So much for trumps claim that the market will crash under Biden/Harris. The only thing that is crashing is his garbage truth social stock.

    3. Every $5 in share price gives the company $1bn in valuation.

      Can’t wait for Trump to cash in 117 million shares at $0

    4. 75% loss over the past 6 months. Literally when Donald Trump has been in the news more than he normally has been due to his political campaign. When support for him and his businesses should be at an ALL TIME HIGH – it is cratering. Literally the polar opposite of the rest of the stock market, too. Stock market in the past 6 months is 5-10% higher on average (depending on the index you look at)…

      Imagine being this bad of a businessman. Can’t even capture steam coming from your own engine. Terrible look.

    5. I have made ~$1400 on put options from this stock, for every million in value he loses I make like $10.

    6. *The markets are doing well because they know im gonna beat ~~sleepy joe~~ crazy kamala and make this country great again!!!*

      Trump, probably.

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