They attack her for “having no kids” even though she has stepchildren. But you know damn well what they’d say about her if this was the case…

    by DoctorBeef34


    1. Truth. The standard is much much higher for a black woman than a rich white man that pretends to be Christian.

    2. A woman of color with three baby daddies? Forget the racist dog whistle, it’d be a damn fog horn.

    3. you mean they can be even more racist and sexist than they already are?? craaaazy.

      though i can actually see it happening.

      it’ll be hard though because the republicans are literally already running a black nazi in north carolina. they are literally lying about a small community of black immigrants in ohio, saying that these immigrants are eating their neighbor’s cats, dogs and geese. the VP on the GOP ticket is literally saying women are only good for making babies, and are useless if they can’t have kids lol.

      >Republican nominee Donald Trump has called her “crazy,” “nuts” and “dumb as a rock.” Republicans in Congress disparage her as a diversity hire. Right-wing activists and trolls have smeared her online with racist, sexist and sexualized barbs.

      >The attacks on Kamala Harris, the first woman and first Black and South Asian person to serve as U.S. vice president, have intensified in the days since she consolidated support to become Democrats’ likely presidential nominee.

    4. They would call her a slut…. But they already call her a slut for past relationships she had that they say got her jobs.

      Let’s be real though, a woman is always going to be called a slut no matter what, because sexuality is ok for men but used to shame women.

    5. Five kids from three different marriages, two of which were to immigrants, one of whom—the one who did some adult modeling—is believed to have overstayed a visa to work here illegally, before marrying him, having and “anchor baby” and bringing in the rest of her family via “chain migration.”

    6. As I frequently say: if Republicans didn’t have double-standards, they’d have no standards at all.

    7. The GQP is concerned that only child molesters, rapists and thieves fill their ranks. I think they have nothing but disdain when they look at someone like the vice president and her record 🤷‍♂️…it’s all about hurt feelings and childish behavior.

    8. RL_NeilsPipesofsteel on

      We’ve been doing this comparison for 9 years now. “Imagine if Obama did or said the thing Trump said. Imagine if Biden did that.” It doesn’t matter. His supporters don’t care about the blatant hypocrisy.

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