Amazing how we used to view women

    by Workdaymtf


    1. KezzardTheWizzard on

      What do you mean “used to”? And who is “we”? Maybe 300 million of the 4 billion men on earth don’t, but the rest outside of the West certainly do, and worse.

    2. I watched a recent animated adaption of The Tiger Who Came To Tea. It’s really good and my daughter loves it.

      One thing I noticed was how much they emphasised the Tiger having drunk Sophie’s father’s beer.

      She exclaims in shock when it drinks it. But is unphased by it drinking all the milk, orange juice and water.

      Then when she tells her father, he’s really upset by it too with an exclamation of ‘Not my beer as well!’

      He’s not bothered that a massive Tiger turned up and ate and drank everything else in the house while his wife and child were there too.

      Then, when they go to the cafe, he asks if he can have a pint of beer.

      It’s a wonderful story, but I’ve no idea why they imply the beer is so important. It’s a modern adaption too.

      Perhaps Sophie’s dad is a raging alcoholic and without it he’ll turn into a monster.

      Still…different times then weren’t they…

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