I love Chappell’s music but this seriously ain’t it.

    by PrestigiousSystem713


    1. She’s entitled to her own opinion. It’s strange to try to force or pressure her into endorsing our candidate if she doesn’t feel that aligns wholly with her values.

    2. Themadsarecalling on

      Quit trying to make people hating Chappel a thing, a celebrity doesn’t have to be vocal about Kamala in order to prove anything.

    3. I’m sorry, but since when has having a functioning brain been a prerequisite for being a pop star? The problem isn’t Chappell Roan being an imbecile, the problem is looking to imbeciles for guidance or affirmation of our beliefs. Literally no one should give a fuck what Chappell Roan thinks about anything other than how to hold a mic without shitting yourself.

    4. She’s not out there yelling it from the rooftops. She was asked and responded. Not everyone is into politics. I don’t get it personally but I’m not going to fault someone that doesn’t have the energy for it.

    5. It’s not the responsibility of a celebrity to endorse a politician one way or another. It’s their responsibility to entertain. 

    6. I haven’t heard a single song of hers yet (she hasn’t taken off in my country), but i feel like every day I’m getting online to something she’s said about fans or fame or politics etc etc. I’m feeling so overexposed to her already tbh and I haven’t even heard her music.

    7. TranslatorJaded5137 on

      genuinely people think it doesn’t matter but don’t realize how truly sheepish the american people are, my sister is over a decade older than me and she gets her political agendas from her favorite celebs, been wondering why she’s extremely anti dem this year considering she disowned my grandparents for not voting for obama. all this to say is, your voice matters! and your vote matters! fo not be blind and please do all you can to keep your friends/family safe!

    8. You’ll really send a message to the government by indirectly supporting the guy who wants to give Bibi the green light to roll through Gaza and kill literally everyone and enact a domestic policy platform that will be devastating to your entire demographic. These people are fucking hopeless.

    9. uhm… i know it’s really hard for y’all americans but why not break the cycle and stop voting for the lesser evil every four years, and instead, vote for a candidate that does not promise you “the world’s most lethal army” — food for thought

    10. KnockItTheFuckOff on

      Risking the downvotes here, but eh…I’ll survive.

      I have seen this a lot in conversations I’ve had with those in my loose social circle, particularly those from marginalized communities.

      The government has never worked for them. It has never improved their lives in any meaningful way. It has systematically stripped their rights and maintained existing systems of oppression.

      Whether discussing this with my Black friends or those in the queer community, there seems to be an underlying idea of, “this won’t change unless other people start feeling injustice, too.”

      I do my best to impress the fact that we simply cannot allow good to be the enemy of great – we still have an obligation to support those with the least likelihood to harm.

      I do truly understand their position, though and my hope is that I can nudge them into action.

      I also enjoy Chappell Roan. She had a few false starts with fame and seemingly never expected to skyrocket like this. In fact, her music videos aren’t industry produced – they were done as art projects with her friends. What we are seeing with her is an authentic, unpolished artist. Fandom is toxic and it ruins people. She has come out several times with very clear boundaries and has been very vocal about how terrifying of an experience this has been for her.

      There are always people who will say, “She wanted fame and now she’s complaining?” My take is that if we as a society want to enjoy the art produced, we have got to stop treating these people as commodities to be poked, proded, attacked, and idolized. They are *people* who produce something we enjoy. That’s it, that’s all.

      Fuck America…but be chill.

    11. Lot of downvotes here. Lot of mentality that everyone must be exactly in line with your opinion. Dare I say, this is MAGAish? Come on. We should be better than that.

    12. this took me way longer than it should have to figure out you weren’t talking about Dave Chappelle

    13. Ocelot_ocealittle69 on

      I never heard a bit of her music but she always pops up with a opinion or complaint. Kinda seems like an ass.

    14. News. This is how a lot of young people are approaching this election and politics. See it everyday on Reddit. Meanwhile in tx and other places there was a dramatic increase in women dying since abortion bans went into place. I find this thinking just as bad as maga idiocy. And I’ll never forget the very “liberal” highly educated acquaintance I had who in 2016 posted that she had proudly cast her vote for Jill Stein because- Hillary.

    15. I understand wanting more staunch rhetoric from the Dems towards Gaza, I do. However, you have to understand how one of your two options is infinitely better equipped to bring about a ceasefire… to say nothing of the impact towards women’s health issues, LGBT+ rights, rights and treatment of POC and immigrants, global stability, etc.

      It must be nice to be sheltered enough to be a single issue voter in this election.

    16. I didn’t read about Chappell allowing the Trump campaign to us any of her song, Casual might work—I think that’s basically an endorsement allowing the Harris campaign to use Feminominononinunoniumnon😜

    17. Delusional. I think the word you’re looking for to describe these people is delusional

      Edit: spelling

    18. Acceptable_Mountain5 on

      Nah, she is right about this. If you aren’t criticizing politicians you are doing it wrong. I’m going to vote for Kamala, only because of the alternative. Would I rather someone else was on the bill? Absolutely. It’s absurd that someone not going blue maga is seen as the same thing as endorsing the other side.

    19. ChaseThoseDreams on

      It’s impotent moral grandstanding. While one is flawed and should do better for you, the other is outright villainizing you, trying to erase you from discourse, and attempting to make you a second class citizen. You gain nothing but hollow internet points conflating the two cynically, while you pay for it in the real world.

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