Ukrainian sniper, Vyacheslav Kovalskiy, broke the record for longest confirmed sniper kill at 12,468 feet. The bullet took 9 seconds to reach its target. The shot was made with a rifle known as “Horizon’s Lord.”

    by SouL145


    1. Like..HOW does one verify this? By chugging ones ass the entire 3.8km to see if whatever he shot as was dead? Not being sceptic here just genuinely curious!

    2. [Original video posted by Tendar](

      Topic about it on this [forum](×114-hl-from-ukraine/42381/10)

      From the Facebook group Cartridge Collector recently posted by Ilchuk Oleksandr

      “Viacheslav Kovalskyi and his partner set a new world record using the Ukrainian rifle MCR Horizon’s Lord of 12.7×114 mm HL caliber. The footage taken by the soldiers shows that the bullet took about nine seconds to reach its target at a distance of 3,800 meters. The rifle uses a unique Ukrainian-designed cartridge, which is a 12.7 mm (.50 BMG) bullet in a re-compressed cartridge case from the 14.5×114 mm cartridge used by the KPVT machine gun.”

      A simulation estimates velocity at 3 km around 200 m/s delivering 972 joules. Guesstimate for 3.8 km / 2.4 mi would be around 500ish J’s. Still lethal since thats 9 mm para muzzle energy with a far beefier bullet.

      For people calling it fake because of the distance, you might want to inform yourselves. LR / ULR shots can reach a lot further [here is a YT video from “MarkandSam afterwork” a civilian shooter, hitting at 5023 yards / 2.85 miles](

      [What about a 7070 yards / 4 miles shot](

    3. oneinmanybillion on

      “Viacheslav Kovalskyi and his partner set a new world record. . . . . . . ”

      This has got to be the strangest world record. It requires killing another human being to set the record.

    4. Question, when tracking such a record, do they have to confirm their target beforehand? Or can they just aim at a large group of people and claim they meant to hit that one in particular afterwards? (Still impressive either way but..)

    5. Wait, this would mean the velocity of the bullet is ~422m/s this is way to small for a rifle of this size. There is a factor of 2 missing. 4 to 5 sec would be more realistic.

      Even, if the bullet slows down due to air resistance. 6-7sec would still be more realistic.

    6. Distinct-Respect-274 on

      Comment: That’s one heck of a shot! Vyacheslav Kovalskiy, the real-life Hawkeye. The bullet probably had time to stop for a coffee on the way.

    7. Propaganda materials are rarely real. There’s no point in fact checking. They could fake it in many ways, you can’t verify nor debunk it.

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