first chechen war

    by tintin_du_93


    1. The Chechen War, which erupted in the early 1990s, stemmed from Chechnya’s desire to secede from Russia following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The predominantly Muslim Chechen population sought independence, while Russia, determined to preserve its territorial integrity, responded with a military intervention.

      Russia’s defeat in this conflict can be attributed to several factors. The Russian army, weakened by years of disorganization and corruption inherited from the Soviet era, was ill-prepared to confront a determined Chechen guerrilla force that knew the terrain intimately. Additionally, local support for the separatists and strategic errors by Moscow made military operations particularly challenging. Lastly, the widespread human rights violations committed during the conflict drew strong international condemnation, further complicating Russia’s diplomatic position.

    2. I highly recommend One Soldiers War in Chechnya by Babchenko. It’s an absolutely brutal telling of his time in the first and second Chechen wars.

    3. Um yeah and now those “brave” Chechens fight for Russia! Zero courage nor identity unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️

    4. Another proof that russia has always been a regime, even Yeltsin was not a “good russian”, they simply do not understand how they can live without imperial politics.

    5. Wow, I sure love portraying a government that funds terrorists targeting schools as chads. No, seriously, this is the russian equivalent of portraying ISIS as chads

    6. Russia in 1939: Let’s invade little Finland, we’ll definitely smash it

      Russia in 1986: Let’s help Afghanistan against the rebels, we’ll definitely smash them

      Russia in 1994: Let’s stop the rebels in Chechnya, a small state of ours, we’ll definitely smash them

    7. Didn’t Russia Fake a Terror attack on The Apartment Buildings and blamed it on Chechen Terrorists?

      Even one of the Deputies on the State Duma who wanted to meet with the FBI was poisoned before he can give them his report

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