Comer should try this

    by yukiyunyun


    1. It’s been months, election day is rapidly approaching, and they still have fuck-all nothing on her, it’s glorious. I can’t wait to see them cry in November, what I’m not looking forward to is the violence they will most certainly incite but then again, Biden is expecting it and will be ready to send in the National Guard so seeing them get taken down would also be lovely

    2. I’m getting old now and it’s just sad to see other adults like Comer think their ideas out loud and they sound like children.

      He had an idea of new daytime soap opera but the pitch wasn’t there.

    3. Occasion-Mental on

      Honestly what a straw-man dick measuring contest to want to get into on what she may or may not own…..i’m actually surprised that someone with a low rent intellect didn’t go with “how many abortions or how many vibrators she has had” in her life……jeez US politics is exhausting to watch…..I’m not by nature a violent man, but so many punchable faces just itching for a Liverpool Kiss.

      Gotta get past the USSS first using their SIG-Sauer P229 pistol: (.357 hollow point). This is the standard sidearm for all Special Agents and Uniformed Division officers.

    4. It’s funny how every maga cult member is an effort on what Kamala “needs to do”.. as a kid when someone would tell us what we needed to do . We snarkishly replied

      “all i need to do is stay black and die black!”🤣🤣🤣 Anyone else remember that??

    5. Think_Entertainer658 on

      She talked about owning a hand gun for protection in the 2020 election this isn’t something new

    6. Liberty_Bell_End on

      I know Comer doesn’t have a spine, balls, or brain but if he needs to tell people he does….

    7. Electronic_Slide_236 on

      Why does she need to tell the American people what kind of gun she has?

      This is purely some schoolyard bullshit.

    8. Isn’t there a Buzzfeed or vice Quiz article about that: “Wich Type of Gun are you? Click Here and find Out. The answer will surprise you!”

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