If know, you say..

    by John_1992_funny


    1. What does one have to do with the other? I mean, unless I am wearing a shirt that says trusted by many women?

    2. Apprehensive_Bug_826 on

      My first thought was “I could name more than five” then my second thought was “but I wouldn’t bother a woman over a t-shirt either…” which I guess is the point.

    3. In his mind she’s just validating that she can’t name five songs plus he’s managed to annoy her and get her attention, so it’s a win on every level. Better to just ignore the dork imvho.

    4. This whole tweet is rage bait. Because you could ask a man wearing a t-shirt with some band on it, what would you say then? That he has to name how many women a man can trust with his feelings?

      Another tweet to further escalate the gender war.

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