I hope it’s not a picture book

    by dobbyisafreepup


    1. Ya, the most important thing about being a side piece for a powerful man is that you’re discreet about being a side piece for a powerful man. You don’t fucking blab about it. It’s basically the number one rule for the job.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      What is that, half a Scaramucci?

      If she wants to tell the story before the election, that would be nice. Doesn’t help us much after.

    3. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      She’s got all the hallmarks of BPD. People like that do not take being dumped well. And Trump had her in his inner sanctum for a week! Given how hard she railed against MTG, I cannot wait for her to dump what she knows about Trump in public.

    4. Unfortunately, it would *have* to be a picture book, or it wouldn’t sell. MAGAs ain’t doing all that reading.

    5. Reasonable-Bath-4963 on

      Apparently he absolutely reeks. She’s giving him a blumpkin while he fills his diaper with what started as a hamberder from McDonald’s

    6. Think about it. She sucked trumps dick. Right up in there next to his shitty diaper, which she had to undo, smegma so thick its like pith. For power she’ll never get. Loomer wanted to be the Dictators Wife. Instead she got stale cum and a pat on the head.

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