1. Admirable_Nothing on

      This was very clearly a deliberate attempt at election tampering and by the SoS that is in charge of elections.

    2. is this what he was talking about when he said it was going to be fixed so good that you don’t even need to vote anymore?

    3. Famous-Carob2002 on

      You guys badly need an independent election electoral commission.

      Sincerely a confused and slightly exasperated Australian onlooker

    4. Can you IMAGINE the furore from the dead eyed people at the Fox Propaganda Network if orange’s name was the one that was missing.

    5. This obviously wasn’t an accident. Republicans are doing absolutely everything in their power to steal this election one way or another.

    6. I know the US loves their states independency, but having each state with their own election laws, systems and procedures seems so weird. It should be the same for everyone to try and stop all the shenenigans we see being pulled every year

    7. The GOP knowingly sending out ballots without Kamala on them.


    8. Interesting-Sun5706 on

      Those MAGA/Republican narcissists like to project

      Take a look at electoral malpractice stats

      I wonder why Republicans can’t win elections fair and square.

      George Bush was elected in 2000 after they stopped counting votes. Some bullshit

      Hillary won the popular vote but still lost

      Obama won twice . It was never close

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