
    by ExactlySorta


    1. Think_Entertainer658 on

      500,000 Haitians live in Florida , Trump beat Biden by a little more than 100,000 votes in 2020 so you do the math

    2. Former-Form-587 on

      A Trump defeat in Florida would be awesome. Would also be a major embarrassment for DeSantis, which is icing on cake.

    3. started_from_the_top on

      The odds might be slim of Trump losing Florida but


      Florida democrats get out & vote!

    4. Reminder that Trump said some fucked up shit about *other* communities in Florida during 2016 and 2020 and it didn’t cost him the state. What’s more, Biden leaned into misinformation during the 2020 election to court votes in Florida, and it didn’t win it for him. I have no faith that Dems will ever take Florida or Texas in my lifetime, and it’s largely because of ingrained and willful ignorance [of the states’ populations]*

      Edit: You people are exhausting and constantly forgetting recent history

    5. I will be casting my little blue vote into a sea of red in rural Florida this November. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    6. He’s actively hurting his chances with ever demographic aside from diehard MAGA hat wearing weirdos.

    7. abandon_hope710 on

      It’s obvious why they make it so hard for people to vote. They know they’ll lose. It’s up to the people in those states to get out and vote. Not just in one election but every single fucking chance you get.

      When we vote they lose.

    8. In 2018 Trump publicly called Haiti a shithole country.

      I doubt many Haitians voted for him in 2020.

    9. Don’t be fooled by this narrative. The South Florida Cubans who measure in the millions are still convinced by the GOP that the left means socialism. There is no win here unless tactics change.

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