When you realize the cult owns you

    by Pessimist2020


    1. Honestly not sure which is worse…the shit he spews, the sad, misled people that believe it, or the deeper shit he regurgitates to try and save his lying, forgetful ass.

    2. I wouldn’t be surprised if he soon “confesses” that he only ran the first time to help Hillary win, supplying more money for the SS may be part of some kind of crazy deal.

    3. His “Operation WarpSpeed” which jump started COVID vaccines is something I commend his administration for, revamping NAFTA (somewhat) is another. Always disarms my MAGA relatives when they start arguments.

    4. It’s interesting that he says this shit in these interviews, as if he’s certain they don’t watch them.

    5. Meaning: he doesn’t believe in them; never did. If he thought they were good, he’d be claiming that he INVENTED the stuff. He STILL has no idea what a virus is or how it works, much less vaccines (remember him suggesting injecting disinfectant?)

    6. All he can do is rehash the past and complain about how he was so wronged.
      He’s campaigning on his hurt feelings of the past and it’s getting so OLD AND TIRED

    7. MuskokaGreenThumb on

      Politicians should be beholden to their voters. The orange clown is still an idiot, but lots of politicians change their opinion on topics if it’s gonna hurt their chances at re election. Pretty common in todays politics

    8. SklippySklandwich on

      I don’t think he believes the cult owns him at all. I just think he wants to basically have his cake and eat it too. Claim credit for everything well also denying the seriousness of the crises we’re facing.

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