It could happen! Get out, vote, and make it happen! 💙

    by yorocky89A


    1. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do believe extra people this election are motivated to not want Trump again.

    2. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      I’ve heard several people saying Florida is in play recently even though the polls aren’t showing it. I want to believe. 

    3. Popular-Somewhere427 on

      #Vote Blue Or We’re All Screwed! Vote As If The World Depends On It! Cast Your Vote For Your Future!

    4. Not with them players they have in the GOP who are working deep in the shadows … they’ll do anything and everything to win! Don’t let the bullshit fool you

    5. Yep. gop is saying this so people won’t vote in those states. Don’t take it first granted. Get out and vote regardless

    6. I didn’t know Florida was in play. I know they have an abortion measure on the ballot, and that will definitely help the Democrats, but I wouldn’t expect it to be enough to flip.

    7. The 10 U.S. states with the largest populations of Haitian ancestry in 2022 were:

      **Florida – 544,043 (2.4% of the state population)**
      New York – 176,287 (0.8%)
      Massachusetts – 77,054 (1.1%)
      New Jersey – 70,177 (0.7%)
      Georgia – 61,575 (0.5%)
      Pennsylvania – 21,276 (0.1%)
      Connecticut – 20,735 (0.6%)
      Maryland – 18,444 (0.3%)
      Texas – 16,290 (Less than 0.1%)
      California – 16,052 (Less than 0.1%)

    8. I mean a potential African American Governor just said he’s a black nazi and is ok if slavery comes back. Get out and vote and crush the maga party once for all.

    9. Severe_Bus_9619 on

      The other guy on that broadcast was my stepbrother Steve Phillips. His status as a best selling author and activist gives him access to a lot of data beyond polls, and he feels pretty good about the possibility of an Obama-esque result this fall.

      Not saying don’t vote, but I feel pretty good today.

    10. Don’t get over confident and watch out for shenanigans like voter purges and the shitfuckery GA is trying to do. If enough patriotic Americans who want to preserve and protect the US, it’s democracy and the constitutional rule of law show up we could honestly flip FL and TX. Truly.

    11. Florida is a saucy wench, I’ll believe it when I see it. But honestly North Carolina might be in play after Ol’ Porn Lovin’ Black Nazi Robinson.

    12. No-Independence-6842 on

      That would put her win at 350 by my prediction. We have to win by indisputable numbers.

    13. He has been pretty spot on in the past wiht his predictions. Believe he was one of the first commentators that said the DNC needed to invest in GA pre-2020. one can hope.

    14. Just vote. I don’t care what pundits say I don’t care what polls say, vote get your friends to vote phone bank knock doors whateve- that orange douche bag can not win

    15. I am in Florida and trying my best to get people to the polls! I never thought I would have hope again of Florida turning blue because so many MAGA people moved her after the pandemic, BUT there has been so many people showing up to events and calling to volunteer. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen, so yes there is hope!

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