the disbelief on all their faces😂

    by yftdddtf


    1. I skipped some of the video and was like: “damn, three kids, then a black baby, like how my child does this guy have??” XD

    2. I love that the left twin looked like it was trying to protect their sibling when the dad he’d his hands out

    3. ReasonableExplorer on

      I shaved my beard after 10 years in front of my son (4), he was actually super supportive, I told him it would grow back so he was fine with it. My daughter on the other hand(15) essentially told me to kill myself, having a teenager sure is something.

    4. This is why my dad didn’t shave his facial hair completely off until my brother and I were in high school.

    5. I’m 32. I’ve never seen my dad’s chin. If he ever shaved, this is exactly the reaction I would have.

    6. Speaking from experience: That’s some serious Uncanny Valley shit.

      There’s familiar traits, but it’s so… *alien* to a developing mind. My dad shaved his face to get fitted for a ventilator for a new job when I was 5. I was unsettled seeing his naked face: I had hid behind the couch in an attempt to surprise him when he came out of the bathroom, only for me to hide from him after I popped out! He went around the corner, and it was then that I heard my then 2-year-old sister cry.

    7. I had a beard that two of my friends hated and wanted me to shave off.

      When I finally shaved and one of them saw me, they called the other one and said:

      “He shaved his beard off. BIG MISTAKE.”

      After, I went to my local bar and the bartender threw a towel at me and told me to put a diaper on my face.

      I’ve been hairy ever since.

    8. My dad did this when I was 4. I remember sitting in front of the TV in the afternoon Andy dad walked through the family room freshly shavened and looked at my and went “Boo!” I cried my eyes out instantly and have blocked out the rest of the trauma

    9. I had this happen to me as a father, I’ll never forget how sad my child looked, it broke my heart. I regrew my beard immediately and haven’t shaved it since!

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